Commission Information

Thank you for considering me!
Prices are in USD
Payment through PayPal

Some information about the commission process and what is needed.

What I Need From You

Make sure to include these in your email- What type of commission you wish for. (Ex. Full-body, flat-color)
- A concise bullet list description of what you want in it. (Character's personality, looks, posing, expression, colors, etc.)
- Please try to avoid long paragraphs, I do not want to miss some important detail. Bullet points are key!
- References photos are super helpful to help me understand your vision. Send as many as you like for outfits, hair, expression, pose, etc. Even a stick figure drawing can give me a better idea.

Setting a Cost

Once you send your email I will get back to you about any questions and the priceI will send you a final price for the piece based on what was requested.
Additional Cost May Be Added For These Reasons:
- Complex designs
- Complex or many items
- Designing help (There will be a lot of back and forth)
- Extra characters (50% of original cost for each)
- Additional Effects (Smoke, fire, magic, etc.)
- Complex backgrounds or perspective
Once a price is agreed upon I will send an invoice to your PayPal for review and payment.Half payment is required up front to start to commission. The other half will be requested after you approve of a sketch you want to go forward with.

Progress and Edits

What to expect while you wait- Progress photos will be sent after each step. (Sketch, Line art, flat-colors, lighting)
- With each update you can request changes to be made or fixed.
      Some things to keep in mind while requesting changes:
            -Three or more changes will cost extra, so say all the changes you want.
            -The further along in the project the harder it is to change of fix something.
- After the final piece is done you will be sent the files over email for the best quality.
- Check the terms of service for information on the usage rights you have.

Thank you so much for checking out my commissions!
Please email or message me on socials for requesting works or any questions